
Aelianus. Aeliani Variae Historiae Libri XIIII... Cum latina interpretatione..., Cologne, Iacobus Stoer, 1630.
The ‘Apanta’ of Aelianus were first published in 1556 in Zürich (Zurigo) Switzerland, edited by C. Gesner, whilst the integral ‘Poikili historia’ had circulated more than ten years earlier – before 1545 – from the press of A. Blado in Rome. This treatise by the Roman Sophist Claudius Aelianus (2nd c ad) is a compilation of diverse subjects: history, physics, ethics, unpublished material and more, that has reached our days in fragments through Stoveos and the Suida.
Format: 11 cm
Page description: pp. [16]+446+17 unn.+1 blank.
References: Hoffmann I, 12
Entity: Renaissance – Humanism
Item Type: Book