
Bible. Ἡ Θεία Γραφὴ..., Venice, Nikolaos Glykys, 1687.
Unique edition of the Agia Graphe printed by the Greeks before 1821. The book is dedicated to the ruler of Hungary-Wallachia Servano Cantacuzene (= pride of Greeks, glory of Byzantium), urging him to support the translation of the Bible into Romanian as well. Reprint for the Greek public, in Moscow in 1821, with the sponsorship of the Zossima brothers.
Format: 37 cm
Page description: pp. [6]+1098+1 unn.+1 blank
References: ΒΗ ΙΙ/2 (610) • PAP Ι, 1087
Entity: Theology
Item Type: Book