
[Johannes Hübner]. Ἱερὸν Ἀπάνθισμα περιέχον τέσσαρας καὶ ἑκατὸν ἱστορίας τῆς Παλαιᾶς καὶ Νέας Διαθήκης μεταφρασθὲν ἐκ τῆς Γερμανικῆς... ὑπὸ Πολυχρονίου Δημητρίου Θρακὸς..., Leipzig, Τυπογραφία τοῦ Σόμμερ, 1775.
First and only edition of this collection, translated from German by D. Polychronios, son of Demetrios, who was born in Thrace in 1752, studied initially under Parthenios in Constantinople and then studied philosophy, theology and history in Jassy, with a teacher named Georgios from Crete. He then complemented his knowledge learning German, Latin and Italian in Leipzig as well as French, but he continued to be unsatisfied and started attending courses as auditor in medicine, mathematics, chemistry, physiology and pharmaceutics, at the same time translating diverse works from other languages into the ordinary language.
Format: 17 cm
Page description: pp. [24]+390+2 unn. and 1 full page engraving (the ruler Gregorios Gkikas with inscription) and 52 chalcographies (α´-νβ´) with subjects from the Old and New Testaments outside the text
References: ΒΗ IIΙ/2 (834) • PAP Ι, 2895
Entity: Theology
Item Type: Book