
Greek Nomarchia. Ἑλληνικὴ Νομαρχία Ἤτοι Λόγος Περὶ Ἐλευθερίας... Συντεθεὶς τε καὶ Τύποις ἐκδωθεὶς ἰδίοις ἀναλώμασι... παρὰ Ἀνωνύμου τοῦ Ἕλληνος..., Italy, 1806.
First and sole edition of this anonymous and falsely attributed publication, perhaps written by Georgios Kalaras. The Nomarchia records an organogram on the liberation of the Greeks and the campaign for Hellenism to acquire identity. The higher clergy is condemned for superstition and a spirit of transaction, while the indifferent are castigated, those that is who remain in apathy in the efforts of the Greek people.
Format: 15 cm
Page description: pp. 2 blank+266
References: Iliou, 19th c. I, 1806.28
Entity: Neo-Hellenic Enlightenment
Item Type: Book
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